Meet TheLawTog
Hi. I’m Rachel Brenke -TheLawTog. I am an active practicing lawyer for photographers, a multi-industry business owner and photographer (when time allows!). I immensely desire for the all photographers who desire photography to not only be their passion, but their profession, to be legally protected. I believe that legal protection helps each individual photography business AND the industry as a whole.
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But why TheLawTog®?
TheLawTog is the only dedicated legal + business resource for photographers. With practicing lawyers, business consultants, CPAs, financial planners (and more!) you’ll get information with first-hand experience to help your photography business. Working with TheLawTog you'll provide your customers with the best legal knowledge + templates on the market.
Top Products include: Pro Photographer's Ultimate Checklist | Wedding Photography Contract Bundle | General Portrait Photography Bundle | Commercial Contract Bundle | Boudoir Photography Contract Bundle | Get Legit Education
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