Official Goodbye Notice
8 years. 25k+ customers. 600+ educational blog posts. 45k group members. 2 CreativeLive presentations. More appearances than I can count. And enough incredible photographer reviews to make my heart forever full.
But the time has come to say goodbye …
I can’t believe I’m about to do this.
It’s been a long time coming.
You may have even heard some people talking about it …
speculating …
assuming it was coming.
And they were right, it’s true!
This has been an incredible chapter in my life with many treacherous travels, long days, and bitter feelings.
This is my official goodbye … and I’m not sad about it.
Goodbyes aren’t always bad. Sometimes they have to be done to open the door for a new season of life.
So I’ll say it: “See ya winter & hello to spring!”
Warm weather, sunshine, and flowers (+ calendars full of photo shoots for you!)
Geeezzzz I hope you weren’t thinking we are going away.
That’s not gonna happen. I’m too committed to you & this community! But if you did, then I was successful in my APRIL FOOLS joke.
If I gave you a heart attack, you aren’t alone. I sent this message to my team for typo reviews & forgot to tell them the agenda (hehehhehehehehe).
Let’s go into the new season & this fun day with a 24hr flash sale! (sale ended 4/2/2019)
And with this new season we are bringing new amazing products, more free education, and a community ready to help grow this industry!
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