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10 Quick ways to get your business known in a busy world - TheLawTog®

10 Quick ways to get your business known in a busy world

Topic: Marketing
Time Investment: 5 minutes
Suggested Product: 

Hey! So how’s your marketing going?

Marketing. Never. Stops.

It is downright exhausting.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Especially since I retired my online marketing course last year. Man, I’m full of bad news today huh?

The good news is that marketing doesn’t have to be hard and you haven’t missed out.

Here are ten tips to help you make a plan:

  • Ask your friends to talk about you
  • Get a social media posting schedule
  • Link your social media accounts to auto publish
  • Blog regularly
  • Pin your photos to Pinterest
  • Drop business cards everywhere
  • Make every marketing action have a “Call to Action”
  • Partner with a local business – get them to talk about you!
  • Make your “working at” on social media sites link to your business pages
  • Don’t hesitate to be proud of what you do and tell people!

If you need more help fleshing out the ten tips make sure you check out BizRevamp® where I help walk you through all of the important aspects to marketing. From getting you back to basics and through exercises that will stretch your understanding of your clients to creating and implementing strategies efficiently and effectively.

Let us rock it out y’all!